Race Rules

Cycling from start to finish through a predetermined route. Mass starts for all participants and must finish within the specified time limit.

Rule #1 details
  • Participants need to validate their brevet card upon arrival at each checkpoint, if they arrived within the specified cut-off-time.
  • Participants must have their supporting documents (identity card, insurance card, etc.) in hand, at all times during the event.

The nature of Bentang Jawa is an unsupported / self supported event.

Rule #2 details
  • Food, hydration, navigation, safety, health, and accommodation are entirely participant’s personal responsibility.
  • All supplies and logistics must be brought by the cyclist themselves or purchased/obtained from commercial and/or public service providers such as hotels, inns, stalls, supermarkets, post office, bike workshops, police station, etc..
  • Any kind of support (i.e. team support, pacers, and/or vehicle following participants) are not allowed throughout the race course.
  • Pre-arranged logistics (i.e. sending supplies to any point within the race course) by any means are not allowed.
  • Asking / accepting help and/or assistance from third parties (family, friends, relatives, acquaintances) are not allowed.
  • Unsolicited assistance from local residents is allowed
  • Visits from relatives, friends, relatives, acquaintances, communities during the competition are not permitted.
  • Bentang Jawa does not provide any kind of assistance.

Drafting is not allowed, unless within the same team.

Rule #3 details
  • Collaborating with other participants (outside of their team mate) in the form of drafting/peloton is not allowed
  • Pacing with non-participants either with other bicycles, motorbikes, or cars is not allowed.
  • Drafting behind any kind of vehicle is not allowed.

All forward movements must use their own power, must not be pushed (by motorbikes/cars/other cyclists) or use other assistive devices such as e-bikes.

Rule #4 details
  • Recommended type of bicycle: road/race/touring/hybrid/gravel bike, hardtail mountain bike, folding bike.
  • Not recommended type of bicycle: fixed gear with both front & rear brake installed, full suspension mountain bike.
  • Prohibited type of bicycle: ebike, bicycle with any form of motorized power, tandem bike, and fixed gear without any brakes installed.

All cyclists must keep their proof of cycling (such as GPS in the form of a GPX file, or activity logs on Strava), and be able submit their proof to Bentang Jawa, if requested.

Rule #5 details
  • No further explanation needed for this rule.

GPS tracker must always be active; inactivity for 12 (twelve) consecutive hours is considered to have resigned from the competition (scratched).

Rule #6 details
  • Participants must use a GPS tracker provided by Bentang Jawa.
  • Participants need to make sure that their tracker device is active at all times during the competition.

Participants will be deemed to have resigned (scratched) from the competition should they be (1) not having insurance coverage, (2) not using a helmet on any ride during the competition, and (3) not using sufficient bike lights.

Rule #7 details
  • Participants must have an insurance that is valid during the race period, which covers personal accident, medical expenses, emergency assistance, medical evacuation, and personal liability.
  • Participants must wear a helmet on any ride during the competition.
  • Participants must have at least 2 front lights and 2 rear lights.

Cyclists must obey and respect the applicable traffic rules.

Rule #8 details
  • No further explanation needed for this rule.

Cyclists agreed to follow and adhere to the spirit of unsupported and equality.

Rule #9 details
  • No further explanation needed for this rule.

Bentang Jawa does not provide support in any form including security, ambulance and medical, mechanical, evacuation or other forms of assistance.

RULE #10
Rule #10 details
  • No further explanation needed for this rule.