The Risk

Bentang Jawa is a self-supported and self-navigation ultra cycling race event which is an extremely high-risk sport where the activity will be carried out in an open environment that is exposed to:

  • Various types of weather condition (rain, storm, heat, wind), landslide, fallen tree, and other instances of climate events.
  • Various types of road traffic conditions, such as road surface, accidents, other vehicle behavior, etc.
  • Various other human factors related such as collision, crimes, etc.

Participants might be experiencing extreme fatigue, high intensity of cardiovascular activity, sleep deprived, dehydration, hypothermia, accidents, and other injuries or sickness that might be triggered by cycling activity or by food/drinks consumed during the race.

It is the sole responsibility of the participant to fully understand these risks, and to perform sufficient preparation and planning to anticipate and/or minimize any risks.

Bentang Jawa DOES NOT PROVIDE supporting facilities in any form, including: safety, accommodation, transport, drinks, food, first aid, medical evacuation, technical assistance and or other forms of liability.