Finisher Eligibility

All Bentang Jawa participants will be assessed based on these 2 (two) simple criteria:

  1. Regulatory compliance
  2. Time limit / cut-off-time compliance

The assessment process based on the above criteria, will be done using this following guidance:

  • Participants who failed to meet criteria 1, will be deemed to have resigned from the competition (Scratched).
  • Participants who reached the finish line and meet criteria 1 and 2, will be included in the General Classification ranking, and their timing of the race will be officially recorded.
  • Participants who reached the finish line, meet criteria 1 but failed to comply with criteria 2, will be acknowledge as Non-Competitive Finisher, and excluded from General Classification ranking. Their timing of the race will not be officially recorded.

All finishers in the General Classification ranking are eligible to receive a unique Bentang Jawa finisher entitlements for their accomplishment. Details of the finisher entitlements will be informed on a later date.

Winner Category

Bentang Jawa have 3 (three) winner category, based on their fastest official finish time shown in the General Classification ranking:

  • Men – Solo  
  • Women – Solo
  • Team – Pair

Bentang Jawa is not committed to provide any form of prizes to the winners of the competition.